Yes, believe it or not, Australia gets snow. We had done a bit of research and we decided to drive a couple of hours so Logan could have his first experience in the snow. Lake Mountain, here we come -- we were very excited. We dug out all the thermals, snow pants, gloves toques, yup we were prepared! As you can see, Logan was all ready, decked out in his snowsuit (thanks Gramma)

So, we're ready and this was what our first experience with Melbourne snow was! Yup, that is about it. One dinky little hill of mostly man made snow. AND, it's SUPER icy, AND about every Melbournean and their dog was up there tobogganing (because that's about all you can do -- well there was a bit of cross-country too) Great for kids and adults alike, but not so great for a 11month old. I was pretty crushed.

So, we decided to trek to higher grounds. Walk to the summit and maybe catch some lovely, fluffy white stuff on the way. Well, the trail was ICY but we managed. And the higher we got the more white stuff we got (fluffy -- definitely not, but I'll take it)

So, we plunked Logan down in the wet snow and he really had no idea what to think about it. He just sat there for the longest time staring at the snow. He started to touch it with his mitt and move it around. But it was so wet and heavy that he had a bit of a hard time with playing with it.

So, he then tried to move in it. Crawling and even trying to stand. But that was a pretty tough task too which pretty much resulted in being belly up. It was pretty funny sight.

But as soon as he got a hold of Daddy's fingers and had both feet on the hard snow, he was a happy little camper.

So in the end, our day up to the snow was a success. We all had fun playing in the "snow". We stayed for maybe 20 more minutes and then the weather started to turn so it was a quick B-line back to the car.