Well, since there are so many pics and it is getting late, here is a quick rundown of our trip to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for Denise and Danny's beautiful wedding.
First attack at the pool

Logan would have the best reaction when one of us would swim under the water and then pop out by him. He would laugh and laugh and laugh.

Family silhouette

One of Logan's favourite playing places, on the balcony. Not a bad view, although he was too short to see it :) But he could play with his trucks and trains all day long.
The day of the beautiful wedding. A rare husband/wife shot these days.

Denise with Gramma Nitschke and Auntie Margaret

The beautiful bridal party.

Some family pics while we wait for the ceremony to start

Here comes the bride and the proud papa

The spot does not get much more beautiful than this, does it?

And...the KISS!!!

This was great, pictures were being taken below and it was a bit of a rocky walk, so Danny piggy-backed Denise down...now that is love.

Logan doing what he does best, throwing rocks.

Great shot with Gramma and Grampa

We cannot forget it is almost Christmas, and those Mexican ornaments sure look interesting to Logan.

The next day we did a family trip down the beach to our favorite cantina. We go EVERY year, and it gets better and better. It is such a beautiful walk too.

Some family shots on the beach.

A little father/son ball time in the room.

We have to thank Gramma and Grampa for babysitting. Craig and I got to have a great night out, full of fun and....mojitos.

Some quality time with Grampa

Our last night we went back to the little restaurant with the mojitos, but this time we went with Logan who also enjoyed it. The menu was to his liking and so was the music. He couldn't take his eyes off of it, he was their biggest fan, so big that they even let him strum their guitar.

Mmmm, cheese quesillias, Logan's favourite. And you have got to like the Mexican high chairs.

This was too cute at the airport, Logan with the inflatable Santa scene. He LOVED it, especially the reindeer. He kept trying to give them hugs and kisses. Pretty hard to do when they are inflatable.

And what's Mexico without the....sombrero!