I know we have been a bit MIA lately, but I am just going to admit it...I have been lazy. But, I have taken a slew of pictures lately and finally uploaded them. So here is what has been going on in the last month.
This is one of our more quiet moments. Logan after dinner get 30 minutes of TV and has dessert. This was the first time he decided to lie down, using Pooh as a pillow and nibble on some pear. I must have tired him out this day :)

I try to be somewhat creative at mealtime for this picky eater, but there is one lunchtime meal that is always a winner. Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. Since I have never really been a bib-mom, when I do try to save shirts on days like this it is not usually worth the bib tantrum. So, this mess goes straight to the wash.

We went on an adventure day, which included the train. Logan LOVES the train. This day we went to Prahran Market. I had heard that they had a great little area for kids and it did not fail. Play area under cover, a real carousel, and a children's musician. What a great way to spend the morning. But, the best part was the train ride back. It was quiet in the train so I pulled him out of the pram (which I don't usually, because he is quite content staring out the window.)It was sooooooo funny. My shy little boy sure is not shy anymore. He was flirting with the lady behind him, playing peek-a-boo, laughing hysterically. I do not think I have laughed so hard in a long time. Can't wait for our next train excursion.

Friday is big park morning. We had two play dates today. One with Anders and the other with my mothers group. This was a priceless park day because it seemed the the toddler fairy was out because all of these kids we so happy. And now they are really starting to interact with one another other than parallel play, which is so nice to see, and means that the mums get to gossip a bit more.
I am having a bit of a blog problem here and I can't separate these two videos. Weird. Anyway, one is of Logan strumming away on the guitar and doing a little singing. It was his first concert.. a little musician in the making :)
The other one is of the two monkeys driving the train at the park.
My cutie pie

These two boys were having a swinging competition. Who could be upside down the longest

My piggy-face

Today our car battery died, and while waiting for RACV we let Logan take over controls. And it was the new park after that, he did not want to get out. He was in there before, during and after RACV left. He drove, pushed all the buttons...
there was even a bit of time for reading.
And after dinner, Logan grabbed dad's shoes asking for another round in the car -- no the backyard. Funny little man.