Well, it being spring here we have had some pretty amazing weather. The high 20's to early 30's. We are just loving it. And the one thing with Nana is she has forced (in the nicest way) us to get out and do stuff out of the house. We ventured out the Melbourne beaches a few times, which living here for 2 years I have only done once, with Nana last time. So, it was great fun.
Lena sporting yet another very cute summer outfit.

Logan being a great big brother settling Lena while we try to rush out the door.
Having fun picking through the sand for shells.
Nana relaxing with Lena in the beach tent.
Building in the sand, although this didn't last for too long. Throwing rocks in the water was much more entertaining.
Also, dumping water on mummy's feet is pretty fun too.
Synchronised rock collecting.

Look a bit like Vancouver, doesn't it?