Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lena under the rainbow blanket

Logan was having one of his rare naps the other day and Alena and I had a little fun with her blanket, it truly was fun and giggles. She spent a lot of time flapping her arms trying to get it off her head...

She spent a little time pretending to be a nun

Yeah, someone sure had a lot of laughs under that blanket

Phew, taking a break for a second

And then, after taking about fifty random shots, I got this amazing shot of my beautiful little girl.  Pays off being a photo fanatic.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Little Miss standing.

We have been working on Alena's standing a lot over the past 2 weeks. I had an appointment at the nurse for her 8 month appointment and she was not bearing any wait on her legs, too much jumperoo time apparently. So we have limited jumperoo time (couldn't cut it out completely because she is like tigger, she loves to bounce) We have been getting her to do lots of supported standing and it has been amazing how strong her legs have gotten in just a couple of weeks... and result --- free standing (although we are still very wobbly)

Rare but beautiful

Logan rarely naps these days, which has its pros and cons. But the days he does have an afternoon slumber I have to say I do a little mommy party dance. AND, on this day, Alena had a long snooze at the same time. I had like 2 hours to myself in the afternoon HEAVEN!!!! Did I mention this happened 2 days in a row. One of the good things from the car breaking down, Logan has had to ride his bike everywhere.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Such a good big brother

Logan is so helpful with Lena these days. He loves to play with her and is constantly making her laugh. The way they look at one another, which such love makes any parent melt.  Logan's has just started taking interested in helping feed Alena. That has been interesting. He has done really well, most of it has been aimed at her mouth. What I love is how he has his mouth open so wide to encourage her. I only wish he would be as good at eating his own food.

The move

For those who did not know, we have moved. Long story short, it was just the right time after the robbery and we managed to find a really nice place for a ridiculously good price. We were so lucky that Gramma was able  to come out and help with the move, we would not been able to do it without her.

Someone was down with croup during the move. Poor thing spent  a couple of days pretty much doing this,  on the couch, under blankets, watching Little Einsteins -- over and over and over again.

Loving the sunny bright new place.  And here is my monkey and little miss hanging out with Gramma

Lena and Dad

I have a picture of Logan doing the exact same pose at this age (see March 24). Only difference is Lena has much more hair.

Logan and his planes. This jet pretty much goes with us everywhere.

Someone practicing their standing

Lena and mum

First playdate in the new house. Starting to feel like home already.

Lena in the hood

Can't really say much except she is just adorable