Another day of play. pedaling his feet and learning to grip and shake a new rattle. He's got quite the grip our little man. And how could we forget his favorite pasttime, blowing bubbles :)
A day of relaxation after our own gobble gobble Thanksgiving. They don't celebrate it here, but we couldn't pass the chance for a feast on Turkey. The next day though, we were all needing of a day of chillaxing! Logan and Craig did their first little jig in the living room, and Logan loved just hanging out sucking his thumb.
Well, our little guy doesn't like tummy time much, however, placing a pillow under his chest so he can see a bit more is something he is starting to enjoy, especially during a Canucks hockey game, he seems thrilled with it, only when the Canucks are winning of course.
We loved our little Daddy's outfit. Yes, this was an outfit that Gramma Judy gave us that was Craig's when he was about the same age. Darn, doesn't he look cute. Thanks Gramma.
Going for a walk in the bjorn and facing out. Logan LOVED it. He's such a curious guy and loved the chance to see everything going on around him.
I don't think I have ever seen eyes that blue - so beautiful!