Day 1 - Flight from Melbourne to Auckland
Late afternoon flight and Logan was very excited as we all were. We decided to use extra points for business class. More space for us indeed. Logan's favorite part was the bean bag chairs in the executive lounge before boarding. On the plane, he was definitely showing his excitement :)
Day 2 - Drive from Auckland to Cormandel Peninsula
Not too many pics from this day as it was mostly a driving. Logan definitely adjusted to some long hours in the car. It was a bit difficult at first, but he soon learned to just sleep. We did stop along and see some trees (Daddy's favorite) and then we arrived at our accommodation and just did a bit of relaxing. Due to the 2 hour time difference, Logan had a hard time going to sleep, so we bundled him up, put him in the bjorn and went for a sunset walk on the beach. 20 minutes later...well, you can see the result.
Day 3 - Walks around the Cormandel Peninsula
We had our very first full day of touring. We did an amazing 2 hour walk near Hahei called Cathedral Cove. Amazing blue water, sea stacks and warm sand. Logan loved the walk through the forest and all the new things to look at. After that we went to Hot Water Beach, also near Hahei. You dig a hole in the sand and you can reach warm water. Many people sit in their holes and drink beer. Logan was a bit iffy on getting his feet wet, he preferred tummy-time and checking out the surf. After a beer in town, we headed back and Logan had one of his first showers (not too many tubs along the way) I don't know who disliked it more, Logan or Dad (Logan is a bit of a slippery little guy when all soaped up)
Who's too cool for school :)
Day 4 - Cormandel Peninsula to Lake Taupo
It was about a 4 hour drive, but we took a couple of pit stops along the way. We had every intention on visiting "The Shire" from "The Lord of the Rings" But it was a mandatory two hour tour on a bus -- I don't think so. But we found a few other stops along the way. One was the Red Wood forest, Craig was in absolute heaven. It was a beautiful forest, and Logan has definitely inherited his love for the woods. Then we went to a thermal spring wonderland called Wai-o-tapu. That was pretty amazing. The stinky egg smell didn't bug the little guy, but by the end, he had seen so much, he was a little tired.
Day 5 - Tongariro National Park
After a bit of a poop explosion in the morning, we got a bit delayed leaving as laundry was starting to already become a must. But we did manage to get to Tongariro National Park and do an amazing 2 hour walk to Taranaki Falls. One thing this little guy loves is hiking and waterfalls :) We then went back to our accommodations and they had hot springs and even private pools, so we had to get Logan in his swimmers and into the glorified tub. He thought the whole experience was pretty neat, especially the mask on the wall where the water was coming from. After this day, he was so tired, he was pretty much falling asleep right after his shower.
Day 6 - Lake Taupo to Napier
Another jam packed day on the road. We stopped at Huka Falls which was very close to Lake Taupo and then make another stop at Craters of the Moon, another geothermal park very different from the other we had gone to. Both beautiful spots indeed. Then a short and beautiful drive to the coast where we stayed in Napier -- the Hawkes Bay wine region. We had only 30 minutes before the wineries shut down, so we hit up 2 of them...very tastey. We are getting Logan education in fine wines at an early age :)
Day 7 - Napier to Martinbourough
Quite a long day of driving this day. A coffee,a quick walk along the beach and a drive to the top of the hill for a view was about all we say of Napier before doing a 4 hour driving to Martinborough. We decided to treat ourselves for Christmas Eve and stay on a vineyard. We were meeting some friends there and had a great dinner out. Logan was VERY well behaved since he was up way past his bedtime, probably because he was very intrigued by the tree decorations.
Day 8 - Martinborough to Picton (South Island) via ferry
Honestly, this could have been the worst Christmas Day ever, but we had some little elves on our side. Due to car rental problems, we had a significant change in plans, we were now having to take a late ferry (getting us in VERY late) to the south island and could not get a car until the following day, therefore staying in Picton instead of driving to Nelson. After opening a couple of gifts and staying WAY past checkout, we drove to Wellington. When we arrived, it was so DEAD, nothing open. While getting gas Craig decided we should just see if there was room on the earlier ferry, and YES there was, the best Christmas present ever. With about 20 minutes before departure, we got our luggage checked, returned the rental car and then were cruising to the South Island. Arriving in Picton, we decided to see if MAYYYYBE they would have our car, the didn't. But three people who were supposed to pick up their car never showed up, so BAM, we had a car. Then we arrived at our hotel and they didn't have the room we had booked, so we got another room which was really nice, a free bottle of wine and free breakfast. What did I say, a great Christmas Day. AND... Little Loggie was nice enough to be fast asleep during dinner, it was like Dad and I were on a date. (Haa, the longest write up, the least amount of pics)
Day 9 - Picton to Nelson
A few hours of driving, but a beautiful drive. Some great views as we drove along a very windy road. But we went for a couple of walks in the forest and then we dipped little Loggies feet in a nice cool stream, he loved that :) After arriving in Nelson we went to an animal part, a lot of birds and farmyard animals. I don't know who liked it more, Logan or mom and dad. Then, Logan had his first bath in a bathtub (our house doesn't have one) This was probably the highlight of Logan's trip as he spent along time just splashing around...what a ball.
Day 10 - Nelson to Hokatika
One of our longest driving days with only one stop, coffee in Murchinson where they have "world famous coffee" maybe that's where Murchies got its name? After our LONG drive, where Logan pretty much slept the entire way we arrived at our nice little cabin along the beach. We went into town to buy groceries and then went to a Kiwi exhibit, SO CUTE. No pics unfortunately as no cameras were allowed, but believe me they were cute. Then we had another walk on the stormy beach before relaxing for the rest of the evening.
Day 11 - Walks around Hokatika
We were very ambitious this day in attempt to get five short walks in, and believe or not we did. The first was a walk through a sand dune Tatara Forest to the beach -- BEAUTIFUL!! Second was a walk through a mix podocarp broadleafed forest to a lake. Third was Hokatika Gorge, a quick stop at Dorothy falls, then another podocarp forest and lastly a 500 year old Kahikatea forest (this was daddy's favorite day -- a forester's dream)
Day 12 - Hokatika to Fox Glacier
A short driving day that took us to 2 glaciers. Franz Josef Glacier and Fox Glacier. Who doesn't like the awe of glaciers. Logan's favorite part was the big waterfall at Franz Josef, he was mesmerized by it. Fox Glacier was was more impressive as a glacier and it a way better setting. We ended our day with a walk around Lake Matheson with the hope to see the reflection of Mt. Cook. Alas, a no-go as there was cloud cover.
Day 13 - Fox Glacier to Lake Wanaka
A longer driving day, but another beautiful drive through mountains and along the coast plus a walk through an old beech forest (once again, Craig was in heaven) We arrived to Lake Wanaka. A mini Jasper. We pretty much just relaxed and took advantage of our beautiful accommodations.
Day 14 - Lake Wanaka to Christchurch
Our New Years Eve which was a REALLY long drive. Our longest drive yet where we only stops for some beautiful views of Mt. Cook and lunch in Geraldine. And did Logan melt down??? NO, not at all. He's a rockstar. We arrived in Christchurch and pretty much relaxed, put Logan to bed and then went and had a nice dinner at the hotel.
Day 15 -- Last day before flying back to Melbourne
We did a quick tour of Christchurch, Craig's old stomping ground (well it was for a year). We checked out the centre, had a lovely brunch, walked along the Avon River and then back to the airport. And that was the end of our lovely vacation :) Logan is an amazing's in the genes :)
Awesome pics, Mon! Love the one where Logan is reading the map. It looks like he's a pocket sized (bjorn sized?) travel guide! Very handy, indeed....