Today we did not have anything planned so I decided to do a little train day trip with Logan to Prahran market. Do some food shopping and there is a great park and children's play area. A win win situation especially because as we all know, Logan LOVES to ride the trains. Unfortunately, the train was pretty packed the way there, so Logan had to be stuck in his pram and was not happy about it stating "all done, all done" several times on the trip. But, with a few snacks and games, he managed to humour me until we got there. We had a great time at the market, picking some very lovely fresh pasta for dinner tonight (yum, yum -- I am hungry already) and having a ride on the carousel, some lunch and a hunt for his bouncy ball at the park we headed home. This time Logan got to do his favorite thing of all, sit on the train. And my once shy boy was wooing all the women. So much so, he caught the attention of a student photographer who just thought Logan was just the cutest thing pointing out every single train he could see "biiiiiiiig choo choo, biggggggggggg choo choo" and then if we were chatting, Logan oh so subtly "hi, hi, hi, hi, biiiiiggggggg choo choo," So, lovely photographer Lucy took some pics of my choo choo lover and emailed them to me. This also might turn into a win-win relationship as she needs to build her portfolio and I can always you more pics -- maybe some baby belly pics in the near future...stay tuned!

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