So, I thought this year would be a great Santa photo. I have been working Santa and Christmas for a month now and Logan is getting very excited. I also have talked a lot about visiting Santa and sitting on his lap. Logan was truly stoked! However, as soon as I pulled him out of the pram to see the jolly man, all he wanted to do was get back in the pram. He started crying and making a very interesting scene. I handed Alena to Santa and then unfortunately sit in the pic myself with Logan. The first round did not go well. Logan was crying trying to crawl off my lap and Santa was holding Alena a bit funny and we could not see her face in the picture. So, we do a bit of readjusting, get Logan back, he's still a bit funny but Alena starts to crack it. There was not one good picture of the bunch. So, I left with unhappy kids in tow and really disappointed. We went for a babycino and a gingerbread cookie and I fed Alena and the two were in better spirits, so I decided to give it one last go. Despite a bit of hesitation, we manage to get one decent shot. After all that craziness it has become pretty obviously that putting my children through such torture for one picture was worth it....for me :) Cannot wait for next year.

so the trick is the babycino?
ReplyDeletebabycino solves almost all problems