We have pulled out the jumperoo. Started her in it a bit later than Logan but I think she likes it better than him. She is just jumping up a storm and in full giggles.
We have had some hot days in Melbourne and we ate doing everything we can to keep cool. Only a mere 38 degrees today.
Lena was just happy for an afternoon stroll
These two are becoming best buds. Lena smiles and giggles at Logan all the time and Logan loves to give her hugs, kisses and constantly tries to make her laugh, too cute.
This little miss won\'t be going bald anytime soon, but her locks are thinning. I did manage to get a Little clip into her remaining newborn locks!
Little playdate with Clive and Meilin. It is always hard to believe that these two are only 7 days apart
Tried to get a shot of all four of them but it was pretty much impossible. Clive was smothering the bubs and Logan was more interested In playing doctor.
Lena's interpretation of Gumby
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