Monday, May 31, 2010

Weekend with the penguins

Although we don't have any pics of penguins, no cameras allowed. But here are some cute pictures of some wallabies and kangaroos. Logan is really starting to get into animals and he makes all these cute sounds, like he is talking to them. I think a dog might be on the list one of these days.

Gramma and Grampa at the Nobbies. Such a beautiful spot. Usually there are zillions of seagulls, but not this time. Wasn't mating season, so no xrated birdy scenes. I don't think anyone was disappointed.

The next day we went on a beach walk to the pinnacles. Beautiful walk along then sand followed by some sand dunes. Some serious exercise. But all worth it for the beautiful rock statues at the end.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Applause Please!

Logan has learned how to clap. This is probably the second time, and he think it is just the neatest thing. Once again, so proud of himself. It's amazing how a 10 month old baby can get 4 adults to all start applauding and cheering -- no not really, it's pretty easy when he's this cute.

(sorry it's kind of dark, can't potentially miss the moment for flicking the switch)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Birthday Surprise

For Craig's birthday, Craig's parents and I were in cahoots. They arrived a few days earlier than Craig expected. It was a great surprise that almost backfired a few times, but we pulled it off. So, Craig's birthday on Monday was pretty special. One thing I tried to pull off for his bday is a HOMEMADE black forest cake. OH YEAH BABY! And, as you can see from the pics, it was a great success. If you can believe we polished this baby off in a mere 24 hours :) It was delish!

And now, some sneak peak of the first few days Gramma and Grampa got to spend with Logan.

Gaining Independence

Someone is definitely gaining their independence. Here are just a few things the little guy can do:

Stand up -- EVERYWHERE! Couch, coffee table, baby gates, even against the patio door. And just today, he started cruising. Walking is not too far off, I'd say.

Starting to figure out he can look under things. The other day I was on one side of the couch and he was on the other and we played peek-a-boo from under the couch. Pretty fun stuff.

Self feeding. Not only has Logan started to really get into finger food, he's even managed to get a mouth or two of yogurt spoonfuls in his mouth. A lot landed on the table of course, but we did get a couple in there.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Here comes trouble!

Sorry I haven't posted in a bit, but time flies with Logan. He is a busy little guy and it's hard to keep up with him when he doesn't want to stop moving. No, this babe is not one for down time. A five minute cuddle would be an amazing thing, but that is just too slow paced for him. So, here is the most recent "new" thing. Logan can pull himself up. We took this on the day he figured it out in his crib. He thought he was pretty clever.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Puffing Billy

The last weekend that Nana was in town we decided to get on Puffing Billy, the old steam train that goes through the Dandedong mountains. It was a beautiful fall day and a really great outing. We left Belgrave and ended up at Emerald Lakeside.

Looking out the window of the train.

Too much excitement for this little man.

A fun picnic at lakeside!

Heading back to Melbourne