Sunday, December 18, 2011

Battle of the bug

It has been a very long 10 days in the Nitschke house. The nastiest bug hit and lingered for about 9 days too long in my mind. Poor Logan got hit with the flu which turned into a chest infection and then a head cold. I got hit with this lovely bug about a day later. Luckily Craig had a mild version and Alena did not get it at all, so 50% of us were functional.

This is how we spent a lot of the week. Curled up on the couch watching parts of the Polar Express over and over and over.

Since we were pretty much home bound, we had to start thinking of creative things to do. We fused two of Logan's favorite activities, playdough and hockey. Hours of fun were spent shooting playdough pucks with the playdough stick (although not much strength in those sticks, but that's half the fun)into the playdough net. Now, that's what I call a fun time :)

And Alena enjoyed her home time with more tummy time than normal. She's getting to be a strong little girl. Gosh, have I said I love her cute hair?

Monday, December 12, 2011

Not so merry!

So, I thought this year would be a great Santa photo. I have been working Santa and Christmas for a month now and Logan is getting very excited. I also have talked a lot about visiting Santa and sitting on his lap. Logan was truly stoked! However, as soon as I pulled him out of the pram to see the jolly man, all he wanted to do was get back in the pram. He started crying and making a very interesting scene. I handed Alena to Santa and then unfortunately sit in the pic myself with Logan. The first round did not go well. Logan was crying trying to crawl off my lap and Santa was holding Alena a bit funny and we could not see her face in the picture. So, we do a bit of readjusting, get Logan back, he's still a bit funny but Alena starts to crack it. There was not one good picture of the bunch. So, I left with unhappy kids in tow and really disappointed. We went for a babycino and a gingerbread cookie and I fed Alena and the two were in better spirits, so I decided to give it one last go. Despite a bit of hesitation, we manage to get one decent shot. After all that craziness it has become pretty obviously that putting my children through such torture for one picture was worth it....for me :) Cannot wait for next year.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Next Olympic Swimmer.

One thing our little girl loves is the bath. She can be in that 5 pm witching hour, practically screaming and throw her in the bath and you get the happiest little miss.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Alena - 3 months

Where has that 3 months gone? It is so hard to believe that this little miss is already 3 months old. She is just a dream. She has been sleeping through the night (about 8-5) most nights, she loves her milk and she is just happy. We truly are lucky. She has found her hands, and LOVES to suck on them. She hasn't quite found her thumb yet, but any day now. She is not a soother baby, and spits it out after a couple of sucks. She has really started to vocalize this past weeks. Lots of cooing and gurgling, it is just adorable.

Strawberry picking

Fridays this summer, some of us have decided to do little day trips with the kiddos. So, our first big adventure was the strawberry patch. The highlight for Logan, was definitely not the strawberries, it was the HUGE tractor.

touching things that Logan probably shouldn't have touched. He was just out of control, he was so excited. Luckily, the guys on the farm were really nice and pretty much let Logan do what he wanted to their tractor.

Off the the strawberry patch.

Logan, all ready with his bucket.

Jacinta and Clive
Rosie and Eve

Me and Logan

These strawberries were delish! Certified organic. They had to be eaten fast though, because they sure didn't last long once they got home.

My bucket is getting full!!

This particular berry patch was close to the airport, planes flying really low. Another one of Logan's highlights.

Rosie with strawberry-faced Scarlett

These kids had a great morning. Logan was definitely the cleanest of the bunch by the end. He loved picking the strawberries, but had no interested in eating them.