Thursday, September 6, 2012

Photo Dump

Well, I know it has been a long time since i did some posts, so I have a lot of pics here. I have decided to do a photo dump (I am sure this is going to be the first of many in the future). So here is what has happened, in brief, in the last 3 months.

Craig went to Vancouver for a weeks, so the kids and I went to Creswick to visit Nina and Julio. There the kids had a great time at the Ballarat Wildlife park, getting close and personal with kangaroos, koalas, wombats and snakes.

We also did some cut and pasting -- yes, I have a crafty not really, but I try and fake it for the kids sake.

A couple of pot heads

It was cold, but gorgeous and we did a little trip to the beach. Alena's first real play in the sand, and she LOVED IT! And Logan loved throwing rocks in the water, watching the airplanes and seaplanes fly by and even some sky divers.

 not a bad spot for a coffee

Spitting image of his dad here!!

Craig came back from Canada and brought Logan his first hockey helmet, lucky boy.

Lena has started to call, this looks like the on-all-fours crawl, but our little miss is actually a bum-shuffler, which is really cute. She has learned it is the best way to multi-task -- scoot with one hand and carry something in the other.

The both love their Elmo jammies.

Caught in a naughty act.

Another nice, cool day. The perfect day to feed the ducks.


Logan teaching Lena to play hall hockey

Wombat Bend Park, an amazing little park with some amazing equipment. A great morning for the kids to have a big play.

Logan on the flying flox

Eve and Logan racing down the slide

The multi-use of baby bell cheese

We did a trip to Mt. BawBaw for a play in the snow. We also managed a great first fishing trip at one of the fish farms, some yum dinner for us all.

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